So, how do you get over that hump?

Magazines - There are an abundance of Crafting Magazines available for about every genre of the creative world. But what about the rest of the wall of magazines at your local store? Use those too! Ads can be a great source of inspiration...the patterns, color combos, even the over all feel of a page.
Internet - Not so long ago, who knew just how expansive the internet would become and just how dependant we would become on it. There are millions of ideas on blogs, websites, forums, social media tools, etc. and thousands more created every day. All the crafters I have come in contact with are eager to share ideas and tips. It is the most amazing group of people!
Your Own Creations - I have several drawers of items I have personally created or made in classes...Do you have a "stash" like this? Spend some time and go through these...see what sparks your mind!
Walk Around Your Local Craft Store - There are a number of "chain" craft stores you can go to (i.e. Archivers, Michael's, Hobby Lobby), as well as, local stores. Their websites usually have many ideas...check them out.
A few ideas that might be new:
Expand Your Mind: Take A Class - Your local craft store usually has a number of classes in a variety of different creative endeavors. Try something new! The local community college has classes from ballroom dancing to learning a new language. What about your local grocery store? We have a store called Whole Foods that has a number of cooking classes...the colors and smells might spur a creative thought or two...
Doodle - Do you doodle? Do you scratch out ideas for your projects? Great...but this is what I am going to call - Free Doodling. Simply pick up your favorite marker, a piece of paper, and start doodling. It doesn't matter what you draw, just allow the creative ideas to flow into your mind. You never know, maybe your doodle will end up being a decoration or focal point on your next project!
Clean Your Craft Room - Did I actually say C-L-E-A-N? Turn on you favorite "peppy" music and start sorting, cleaning, organizing. You will be amazed at what you find that has been stored away. I bet you will find new uses for old tools and supplies. Plus, you will feel better when everything is in-it's-place and ready to go!
Photography Field Trip - I found this wonderful article about utilizing a variety of photography "field trips" to start your juices flowing:
7 Photography Projects to Jumpstart your Creativity
Once those juices are flowing...take your pictures and make a chipboard book, a framed collage of the pictures for your craft room, a scrapbook or what ever you heart desires.
A Simple Touch - Add a creative touch to your home or office. If you are on a tight budget, you don't even need to buy anything, just going to the store and looking at all the decorating "bling" will get some ideas going.
Play - Play with things you love to add some fun and whimsy to your life. Take you dog for a walk and look to nature for inspiration. Sit in the park and watch people. Play on a jungle-gym.
Read - Reading is a great way to open your mind and let ideas in! Some of my favorite thought stimulating books are:
Fast Food ~ Joost Elffers (Author), Saxton Freymann
Sark's New Creative Companion: Ways to Free Your Creative Spirit ~ Sark
I would love to hear about your JUMP-START Techniques! I would also love to see something you have made after getting STUCK or using any of these Nike says..."Just Do it!".
Happy Day!
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